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A Comprehensive Guide Vietnam Visa 3-month


Vietnam, renowned for its historical tapestry, lively cultural tapestry, and varied terrains, stands as an alluring global destination. The 3-month visa emerges as a favoured choice, providing versatility and a generous timeframe to immerse oneself in Vietnam\'s allure. This guide navigates through visa types, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and addresses common queries, offering a holistic understanding of the 3-month visa landscape, ensuring a rewarding and unhindered exploration of Vietnam\'s myriad treasures.

What is a Vietnam Visa 3-month?

3-month Vietnam Visa for tourists entering Vietnam single entry or multiple entries within 3 months. When a foreigner exits Vietnam while the visa is still valid, the visa will be considered no longer valid. If you want to enter Vietnam again, you need to apply for a new visa.

Who can apply for Vietnam Visa 3-month?

The eligibility criteria for the 3-month visa to Vietnam encompass several categories of individuals:

  • Work Permit Holders

Foreigners with valid work permits in Vietnam or those holding certificates exempting them from work permits.

  • Investors and Business Owners

Individuals who are investors or owners of businesses in Vietnam.

  • Guaranteed Visitors

Travelers or business visitors with sponsorship or guarantee from an agency or organization in Vietnam.

  • Passport Validity

Foreigners must possess a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months before embarking on their trip to Vietnam.

  • Not Prohibited

Individuals not listed in the category of those prohibited from entering Vietnam, as specified in Article 21 of the Law on entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.

These eligibility criteria ensure that the 3-month visa is accessible to various individuals, including professionals, investors, and visitors with legitimate purposes, contributing to the diverse and dynamic nature of travel to Vietnam.

Types of 3 months Visa Vietnam

The 3-month visa for Vietnam is available in two primary variants: single entry and multiple entry. Let’s see one by one.

  • Single Entry Visa Vietnam

The single-entry option permits a traveller to enter Vietnam once, with a validity period of 90 days.

However, it's important to note that leaving the country during this timeframe results in the visa becoming void.

This type is well-suited for tourists and business visitors, but a new application is necessary for re-entry.

  • Multiple Entry Visa Vietnam

The multiple-entry 3-month visa provides enhanced flexibility, allowing travellers to enter and exit Vietnam multiple times within the 90-day period.

This proves advantageous for individuals with frequent travel plans or business commitments in Vietnam, eliminating the need for reapplication with each entry.

The choice between single and multiple entry depends on the traveller’s specific needs and the nature of their stay in Vietnam, offering tailored options for a diverse range of visitors.

How to get a Vietnam Visa 3-month?

Visa on Arrival

The Visa issuance process when arriving from Vietnam includes the following steps:

Step 1: Complete the visa application and prepare some documents

  • Visa Approval Letter - we will provide it to you after you fill out all the information on our application form.
  • Passport - valid for at least six months from date of entry and with at least two blank pages.
  • Photo 4*6cm - photo taken according to Vietnam Visa photo standards.
  • Vias application form has been completely filled out.
  • Cash - to pay stamping fees at the airport.

Step 2: Secure your Vietnam Visa by paying the service fee

Once you submit your application, we will review your case and confirm the service fee. If you agree, make payment using methods such as PayPal /Credit/Debit Card or Western Union.

Step 3: Get Visa when entering Vietnam

  • Print Visa application letter:

You will receive an approval letter via email. Then print this Visa letter and confirm that all the details are correct.

  • Stamp on passport:

When arriving at any international airport in Vietnam, go to the Visa Counter and present the visa letter, completely filled out NA1 form with attached photo, and original passport.

You will then have to pay a fee to get a stamp on your passport. Your fee will be 25 USD for single entry and 50 USD for multiple entries.


The process of Vietnam E-visa application for Vietnam Visa 3-month is quite easy 3 steps as follows:

  • Step 1: Online E-visa Application for Vietnam Visa 3-month

Complete our secure online application form and make payment.

  • Step 2: Get E-visa Vietnam Letter in Email

Get the E-visa letter to be delivered to your register email with your requested processing time.

  • Step 3: Download E-visa Letter to Vietnam

Download an E-visa letter and show it to the Vietnam Immigration Officer to complete the entry into Vietnam.

Cost of Visa to Vietnam for a Vietnam Visa 3-month

Visa on Arrival

To apply for a Visa on Arrival you need to pay 2 types of fees:

  • Service fee: (the cost of applying for the Visa Approval Letter) be paid online when you submit your application. Then we can process your visa application with the Vietnam Immigration Department and send you an approval letter.
  • Stamping fee: this fee you pay in cash at Vietnam's international airport to have a stamp on your passport. The stamping fee is 25 USD for single entry and 50 USD for multiple entries. Stamping fee only accepts cash payment.


The Vietnam E-visa cost for Vietnam Visa 3-month varies depending on the type of visa and the chosen processing time. If applying for E-visa directly:

  • Single entry visa is 25 USD.
  • Multiple entry visa is 50 USD.

Processing Time of Visa for Vietnam Visa 3-month

Visa on Arrival

The processing time for a Vietnam Visa on Arrival is a relatively quick and straightforward process for an entry visa to Vietnam.

The duration can range from 7 to 10 working days, excluding Saturday and Sunday both are national and international holidays.


The standard E-visa processing time for Vietnam Visa 3-month is typically within 3 to 5 working days.

It is highly advisable for prospective travelers to plan their applications well in advance of their intended travel date.

During peak seasons or periods of increased demand, allowing for additional processing time is prudent, as it helps account for any potential delays that may occur.

Why Choose a 3-month Visa?

  • Immersive Experience

A 3-month visa opens the door to a more profound cultural immersion. From exploring ancient temples to savoring local cuisine, you have the time to truly embrace the Vietnamese way of life.

  • Cost-Effective

In terms of cost-effectiveness, opting for a longer visa duration often proves more economical than frequent renewals or extensions.

In conclusion, securing a Vietnam Visa for a three-month stay is your key to unlocking the full spectrum of experiences this enchanting country has to offer.

Whether you're a tourist seeking adventure or a business professional exploring opportunities, a 3-month visa provides the flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time in Vietnam.
