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Apply for Visa at Vietnam Embassy


Applying for a visa to travel to Vietnam from Australia may seem like a daunting task, but with the right information and resources, the process can be smooth and straightforward. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to apply for a visa at the Vietnam Embassy in Australia. Whether you are planning a vacation, business trip, or family visit to Vietnam, understanding the visa requirements and application procedures is crucial. From gathering the necessary documents to visiting the embassy in person, we will walk you through the step-by-step process, highlight important considerations, and provide useful tips for a successful visa application. Let\'s explore how to obtain your visa to Vietnam efficiently and hassle-free.

Why require a visa to enter Vietnam?

Planning a trip to Vietnam from Australia? Well, buckle up because you're going to need a visa for that ride! Vietnam requires Australian citizens to obtain a visa before entering the country.

It's like a stamp of approval, giving you permission to explore the beautiful landscapes, indulge in delicious Pho, and experience the vibrant culture Vietnam has to offer.

Benefits of Applying for a Visa at the Vietnam Embassy

Now that we've established the need for a visa, let's talk about the benefits of applying for one at the Vietnam Embassy.

Sure, you could apply for a visa online but there's something nostalgic and charming about visiting an embassy, don't you think?

Plus, the embassy staff are experts in all things visa-related and can guide you through the process with ease.

But you will receive less support and spend more documents when submitting it at the embassy, while we will do it as quickly and simply as possible for you.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Visa at the Vietnam Embassy

These are general regulations of the Vietnam Embassy regarding visas:

  • The Embassy only accepts entry visa applications for foreigners with passports and personnel approval from the Vietnam Immigration Department. People who only have a Travel Document for people without nationality of any country as their only international travel document are not granted a visa to enter Vietnam.
  • Passport validity must be at least 30 days longer than the visa validity period.
  • The photo in the application must be a 4x6cm color photo, taken no more than 6 months ago, white background, eyes looking straight, bare head, not wearing colored glasses, hair not covering the ears.
  • After receiving the visa, everyone needs to check the information on the issued visa. In case there are errors or changes need to be made, please contact the Embassy for resolution before the visa takes effect. Otherwise, you are fully responsible for errors (if any).
  • The Embassy reserves the right to request visa applicants to supplement documents and other necessary information, as well as the right to refuse visa issuance without necessarily providing reasons or explanations.

Customers can submit applications in one of 3 forms:

  • Directly at the Embassy.
  • Send documents by post to the Embassy.
  • Send by email to receive separate Visa.

For tourist visa, visa application documents include:

  • Form NA1 with 01 photo attached.
  • Passport is still valid.
  • Personnel approval certificate from the Vietnam Immigration Department.
  • Visa fees.

The normal processing time is 3-5 days for a visa with a stay period of 30 days and 5-7 days for a visa with a stay period of 90 days.

In case there is a request to be granted a visa sooner than prescribed, please contact the application receiving department directly.

In conclusion, as Australians prepare for their Vietnamese adventure, the comprehensive guide serves as a valuable resource, demystifying the visa application process and empowering travellers to choose the method that best suits their preferences and travel plans.

Whether opting for the charm of the embassy visit or the convenience of online applications, the journey to Vietnam begins with the assurance of a well-prepared and successful visa application with Vietnam Embassy in Australia.
